



Curated by Laura Netz, Smoltech is an exhibition of pure-data sound works and different audio-visual, multimedia, and interactive installations by Claude Heiland-Allen (mathr).

Found Monochromes

Found Monochromes

Since 1997, David Batchelor has been photographing blank, white, rectangular panels that he finds in the streets of the cities he visits, from London to Sāo Paulo. While he started looking at how abstraction is embedded in the urban fabric, the series has grown into a far more personal project, a psychological map of each city he visits. ⁠



‘Portals’ is a poetic film about the forgotten doors that have been bricked up or sealed, no longer fit to serve their function as an access portal to a realm now forgotten. It’s also about a certain sense of intrigue, of wonder that lies behind every façade.

Lingering Cut

Lingering Cut

‘Lingering Cut’ is a complex, multi-dimensional and multi-layered body of work that unfolds over time. It consists of moving images, site-specific installations, durational and light & amp sound performances.

My Future History

My Future History

During the COVID19 lockdown, artist Charlotte Chapman has worked with young people from Aylesham to create a series of images, documenting their village, it’s tradition and the social interactions within the community.

This Is My Church

This Is My Church

‘This is My Church’ is a research-based audio piece that aims to explore fading countercultures through the spaces that were holy to them, their shrines and proving grounds.

Tannery Arts Billboard Project

Tannery Arts Billboard Project

Tannery Arts Billboard Project is a series of four temporary bill-boards commissions for Tannery Projects, curated by Nina Shen.